The Library stocks more than 2500 books on various subjects of Ayurveda and other health sciences. Reputed journals, Ancient Texts, Newspapers, and Magazines are available in the library. There is the provision of modern bar code and Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) technology to facilitate a user-friendly, quick, and easy search facility for the students and faculty. Students are encouraged to avail of other facilities like e-mail, internet, CD-ROM browsing & photocopying. Ample and separate reading space has been provided to both the students and faculty along with comfortable seating arrangements. The library also subscribes to a range of specialized journals to help students keep pace with the advances. The library also has a digital section that stores medical information in the form of CDs / DVDs and offers access online.

Library Time

SL No. Desiganation Time Name of the Staff
1 Librarian 09 am to 5 pm Mr Sagar Latkar
2 Asst. Librarian 12 pm to 8 pm Miss Harshada Chougale


Current Awareness Service Helinet Consortium
Journal Article Service Science Direct E-Journals
Reference Service BMJ E-Journals
Book Bank Service Oxford University Press
OPAC Service Jaypee Digital E-books and Videos
News Paper Clipping Service Springer E-books
Inter Library Loan Service
Question Bank Service


Total Number Of Books