About Us
All ancient civilizations of the world developed their own medical systems, amongst them Indian System of medicine is considered to be the most methodological and holistic system both in terms of idea and curative aspects. Ayurveda is the oldest traditional system of medicine which is now accepted worldwide. Despite urbanization and growth, developing countries like India are facing challenges in the health sector. Urbanization and modern hectic lifestyle are leading to the manifestation of lifestyle disorders and aggravating chronic non-communicable diseases as well as other psychosomatic disorders. Ayurveda is a unique system of medicine which not only works on symptoms but relieves the diseases from the root cause. Ayurveda medicines are widely used to treat physical and psychological conditions and can be safely used with other conventional medicines.

Ayurveda is the science of life and is considered as upaveda/branch of Atharvaveda. Ayurveda believes in the close relationship between man and the universe where man is considered as the epitome of the universe “लोक पुरुष साम्य सिद्धान्त”. The aim of Ayurveda is described as स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ रक्षणं। आतुरस्य विकार प्रशमनं च॥ Ayurveda aims to maintain the health of a healthy person and offers to cure the disease. It focuses on the promotion of the health of healthy individuals by promoting multi-dimensional immunity, preventing the development of diseases, and curing illnesses as they manifest. Ayurveda believes in Panchamahabuta theory where all the living and non-living things are made up of these elements which are represented in the human body as Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala. Any imbalance in these Dosha, Dahtu, and Mala leads to illnesses.
Ayurveda treatment attempts to establish a balance of Dosha, Dahtu, and Mala, elimination of Ama (undigested/toxic) from the body, and unimpeded nutrition of dhatu. The treatments include Shodhana procedures (bio purification) where toxic elements are eliminated from the body. Shamana treatment is adopted to alleviate the diseases by neutralizing the imbalanced doshas, dhatu, and mala by various medicaments. Rasayana therapy is used to restore strength and maintain health post-treatment. Ayurveda treats diseases by incorporating the right medications, right food, and lifestyle on an individual basis.
Ayurveda is on a progressive path to achieve mainstream in healthcare offering a wide range of solutions to modern-day health problems across the globe with promising results.
K.L.E Society being one of the premier institutes in providing education and health, it is need of the hour to establish K.L.E Ayurveda hospital to cater to the needs of the health of the rural population, and a Medical College to provide quality medical education in Chikodi taluka is a proud moment that would be written into the pages of History.
A byword in India’s Educational spectrum, KLE’s success story of nearly ten decades speaks volumes of the dedication and commitment of thousands of people
With 310+ institutions spread across Karnataka, Maharashtra and Goa, each narrating their own amazing stories of enriching people’s lives, a harmony exists that is very palpable. Our alumni, settled in different parts of the world are a testimony to our achievements and endeavors and are ambassadors promoting the ‘Brand KLE’ throughout the world.Unmindful of the constraints, KLE ensures that every individual with a desire to learn, irrespective of which strata he/she belongs to in the society has access to infrastructure of international standards.Our well equipped hostels with modern facilities enable every student to enrich himself physically and mentally as well. To ensure that every student is keeping up with the latest developments in technology and the world, all the campuses house internet and IT facilities.
Our qualified teachers who are committed and dedicated to their professions strive to make learning a fascinating journey and experience for all.The collaborations with universities in the US, UK and Malaysia have added a whole new dimension to the K.L.E Society making it on par with reputed educational institutions worldwide.The legacy of selfless-service and sacrifice left behind by the founding fathers is pursued sincerely by the Management to this day. Under the unparalleled leadership of Dr. Prabhakar Kore, the KLE Institution has reached enviable heights. His spectacular chairmanship beyond 30 years, with the active support of his team of elected members, embodies the collective efforts of everyone in KLE, including 13,000 members of the trust, 1,10,262 students, and 16,000 strong faculty, in making KLE an international Education-destination.